Traverse vidéo

Musée des Abattoirs de Toulouse


19eme édition du Festival Traverse Vidéo

Musée des Abattoirs de Toulouse (Frac Midi-Pyrénées), performance with Melissa Mourer Ordener and presentaBon of 3 videos, as part of the 19th edition of the Traverse Video Festival, Toulouse, March 2016.
In this series of Photographs and Videos, the artist uses colour to address philosophical and economic questions of society in “Couleurs Fantôme” or environmental questions in « les Chimiques » and « In the Air »

« True Colors » is a collection of 4 videos and fisy or so photographs scripted for Melissa Mourer Ordener and shot in 2014?(2013 mentioned later) in a maid’s room in Rue Gay Lussac, Paris.
In this series, the « performance » is conceived and written as an « experience » which the camera will transcribe.

Sophie Delaporte plays on purely photographic properBes (such as colour saturaBon, speed recording, etc.) to blur the viewer’s vision, to disturb the reading of the experience which gradually spirals out of control.
In these 3 films there is a recurrent phenomenon of acceleration, in which the subject is quickly overtaken by the experience which he or she has provoked.

« In a gigantic visual display, the vivid colours of the photographs and videos paradoxically capture the threats of disappearance. Bodies slip away, faces are masked and barely

audible words become lost in multilingualism. Is this caused by the hypermodernity of capitalist societies? An anguished voice lists its different “ravages” and recalls that we are drained of our essential substances to become “available brains” for consumption. (1) “True Colors” goes further into these political questions and presents an existential challenge: the search for a “truth” about oneself, in a world which gives a contemporary resonance to René Char’s observation. “The essential is constantly threatened by the insignificant”. Between absence and essence, the work finds its dynamic. Back to the essential!”

Hélène Fresnel, Extracts from the text of the exhibition « Menacés par l’insignifiant » Galerie Joseph, Paris, March 2015.

Extracts from the text of the exhibition by Hélène Fresnel, « Menacés par l’insignifiant » Galerie Joseph, Paris, March 2015


« In a gigantic visual display, the vivid colours of the photographs and videos paradoxically capture the threats of disappearance. Bodies slip away, faces are masked and barely audible words become lost in mulBlingualism. Is this caused by the hypermodernity of capitalist societies? An anguished voice lists its different “ravages” and recalls that we are drained of our essential substances to become “available brains” for consumption. (1) “True Colors” goes further into these political questions and presents an existential challenge: the search for a “truth” about oneself, in a world which gives a contemporary resonance to René Char’s observation. “The essential is constantly threatened by the insignificant”. Between absence and essence, the work finds its dynamic. Back to the essential!”