True Colors

Galerie Joseph, Paris


True Colors

Excerpts from Hélène Fresnel’s exhibition text, Galerie Joseph, Paris, March 2015:

« In a gigantic visual device, the bright colors of photographs and videos paradoxically capture threats of disappearance. Bodies evade, faces mask themselves, words, sometimes barely audible, are lost in multilingualism. Is hyper-modernity of capitalist societies to blame? An anxious voice lists the various « ravages » and reminds us that we are emptied of our essential substances to become « available brains » for consumption. (1) « True colors » goes further than these political questions and stages an existential issue: the search for a « truth » about oneself, in a world that gives resonance to René Char’s observation. « The essential is constantly threatened by the insignificant. » Between absence and essence, the work finds its dynamic. Back to basics! »

« True Colors » is a series of 4 videos and about fifty photographs written for Melissa Mourer Ordener and produced in 2013 in a maid’s room on Rue Gay Lussac in Paris. In this series, the « performance » is conceived and written as an « experience » that the camera will transcribe.

Sophie Delaporte plays with purely photographic properties (such as color saturation, recording speed…) to blur the viewer’s vision and disturb the reading of the experience that gradually picks up speed. There is a recurring phenomenon of acceleration in these 3 films, where the subject soon finds himself/herself overwhelmed by the experience he/she has caused himself/herself.